Free Transition Seminar for TCKs

If you care for TCKs, sooner later you’re likely to be asked to give a presentation on transitions. Here’s a free transition seminar outline so you can spend your time planning how you’ll guide the discussions you want to have about these transition issues.By the end of high school, many TCKs are transition veterans, but the transition from childhood to adulthood and high school to life-after-required-education is new to everyone. Also, since TCKs often go away for college, high schoolers may not have easy access to TCKs living that transition. That’s why over time, I’ll be adding to this outline interviews with TCKs to offer a glimpse over the horizon.Here is the seminar outline.


TCK Podcast Review: Diary of a Third Culture Kid - a TCK Podcast


The Thrive Center writes about TCKs during Quarantine